From 2019 we have definitively given up single-use plastic, becoming one of the first completely plastic-free fast food restaurants in Italy . Today, as proof of our commitment to environmental protection, we only use cutlery, glasses and straws made from PLA, a material derived from maize, which is perfectly similar to plastic but is fully biodegradable and compostable. For this reason, we separate waste in a simple way: glass and compostable. We save about 7 tonnes of plastic per month in each single store.

Aquaculture, if donesustainably, is crucial for the future of the planet. Our menu is also increasingly sustainable. We work every day to ensure a more sustainable fish supply chain and reduce our own environmental impact. Pescaria joined the Sustainable Restaurant Program, renewing its commitment to protecting the environment and promoting good practices of sustainable consumption of seafood and low environmental impact catering, encouraging certified fishing and aquaculture activities.

We value food and we work to avoid food waste every single day: thanks to optimised logistics and warehouse management, we have a food waste rate of less than 5%. We constantly participate in awareness-raising campaigns together with the whole Waste Warrios community, inviting all customers to contribute to the effort. It is a challenging process, but it is what we believe in and what drives our efforts. In our main kitchen, each product is carefully processed and then shipped to all our outlets in Italy.

In recent years, we promoted innovative social initiatives by focusing in particular on the promotion of the territoryand investing in social inclusion activities. Today, more than 200 people work with us. For these reasons too, we were the first Italian company to be included in Facebook's Earnings Call, Facebook's internal quarterly reports drawn up by top managers for the value we have brought to our local economy by creating jobs.

You know that story of the shell, that if you put it close to your ear you hear the sea? Here, at this point in the text - by the same principle - approaching the screen you should hear a clear sizzle: it is oil.